Construction is underway at Wheatsborough Solar, with increased construction activity that will be visible to the public starting the week of August 21, 2023. Construction is expected to conclude and commercial operations for the project are anticipated to begin in 2025.
Transparency and integrity are the basis for Apex’s relationships with the local community and its partners. To aid in this transparency we have created resources to on the construction process to assist in the community’s understanding. These include:
- Project overview
- Map of the project site
- Map of project traffic routes
- Construction Update Blog
- Sign up for to receive email updates on construction
- Ohio Power Siting Board Certificate of Approval
Apex is proud to be a part of the Erie County community for the long term. We are committed to being a good neighbor and dependable partner to community members and local governments. If you need to get in touch with Apex Clean Energy about the construction process, please feel free to share your feedback using this form, call us at (419) 573-0859, or e-mail [email protected].